Best Behavior for Your Puppy

Embrace Their Pack Instincts

At Tanilba Bay Vet Clinic, we know that even though your cute puppy might not resemble their wild ancestors, they still carry a deep-rooted instinct to be part of a pack. Understanding this can help you foster better behavior and a stronger bond with your new furry friend.

Your puppy's lineage traces back to wolves, which means they are inherently programmed to think in terms of pack dynamics. In their eyes, your family becomes their new pack. This instinctual need for social structure and leadership is crucial for their well-being.

As a pet parent, your puppy will look to you for guidance and leadership. Establishing yourself as a confident and effective leader will provide your puppy with the reassurance they need. They thrive when they know someone is in charge, which in turn helps them feel secure and well-adjusted.

By understanding and embracing your puppy’s natural instincts, you can help them grow into a well-behaved and balanced adult dog. For more tips on training and caring for your new puppy, visit Tanilba Bay Vet Clinic. We’re here to support you in nurturing a happy and healthy canine companion.


Establish Respectful Leadership with Your Pup


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