
Ticks are more than just a nuisance for your puppy—they can be downright dangerous. At Tanilba Bay Vet Clinic, we know that ticks can spread harmful toxins that are potentially fatal to animals. Spring and summer are prime seasons for tick activity, especially in bushland areas. Ensuring your puppy's safety involves regular tick prevention and vigilance. Here’s how you can protect your furry friend from these pesky parasites.

When is Tick Season?

In regions like ours, where ticks are prevalent, spring and summer are particularly risky times. Puppies, in particular, are more susceptible as they explore the bush and grassy areas where ticks thrive.

Prevention Tips

  1. Use Tick Repellent Regularly: Apply tick repellent as recommended by your vet. Regular application is crucial to ensure ongoing protection, especially during the tick season.

  2. Daily Tick Checks: Make it a habit to check your puppy for ticks every day. Look around their ears, neck, and between their toes—these are common areas where ticks like to hide.

What to Do if You Find a Tick

If you find a tick, it’s essential to remove it promptly and correctly. Use a tick removal tool or fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull it out slowly. Be sure to clean the area and monitor your puppy for any signs of infection.

Signs of Tick-Borne Illness

If you live in a paralysis tick-prone area, watch for symptoms such as:

  • Lethargy

  • Difficulty walking

  • Loss of appetite

  • Shaking or tremors

These signs can indicate a serious condition, and immediate veterinary attention is required, even if you can’t find a tick. The toxins from certain ticks, like the paralysis tick, can cause severe reactions and progress rapidly.

In Case of Emergency

If your puppy shows any symptoms of tick-borne illness or if you suspect they might have been exposed to ticks, don’t hesitate to contact Tanilba Bay Vet Clinic. We are here to provide prompt care and treatment to ensure your puppy’s health and safety.

Ticks pose a significant threat to your puppy’s health, especially during the warmer months. By implementing regular tick prevention strategies and staying vigilant, you can help keep your puppy safe from these harmful parasites. For any concerns or if you need advice on tick prevention, feel free to reach out to Tanilba Bay Vet Clinic. Your puppy’s health is our top priority!

Stay informed and keep your puppy protected. Visit our clinic or call us for more information on tick prevention and treatment. Together, we can ensure a tick-free and healthy life for your furry companion!


Best Practices for Clipping Your Puppy's Nails